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Must read articles for anyone applying for graduate jobs in Australia or abroad
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How to craft the perfect CV for internships & graduate jobs
Learn how to write a CV that showcases your skills, achievements, and personality, and impresses potential employers in …
Career Planning
Why it’s worth considering an unpaid internship
Internships can open a lot of doors and help set up your graduate career, but not all of them come with a pay packet. Fi…
Which careers can you pursue with a Bachelor of Arts?
Explore the diverse career opportunities for Bachelor of Arts (BA) graduates. Discover top sectors, employers, and speci…
Why do people work anyway?
Why do we work? Why don’t we all just live in a commune, sleeping in late and bartering beans for berries as needed?
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4 ways to stand out from the crowd as a graduate
Only 3% of students who apply for a graduate job will be successful – find out the 4 key things graduates are lacking an…
Assessment centres
Tactics for making it through the final stage of recruitment.
Choosing the Right Company for You
It’s no lie that we spend a great amount of time at work with many office jobs requiring 38-40 hours a week. Given this,…
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5 top universities to aim for after high school
Australia has some of the best universities in the world, but how do you know which ones to choose? Read on to find out.
All the things it’s totally ok to admit to about student life
Being a student is pretty rad. You’re finally unsupervised in the world. You get to chill with like-minded people in you…
Apps to help you study
We’re all attached to our phones at the hip. Why not download a few of these to make study easier?
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