Updating Results

Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)

  • 100 - 500 employees

Culture at Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)

9.0 rating for Culture, based on 31 reviews
Please describe your company's culture both in the office and after hours. Let us know about the structure and hierarchy, cooperation and teamwork, and socialising amongst colleagues.
Very healthy and strong culture, lots of empowerment and self management, strong social networks are promoted and there isn't a huge gap between managers and employees
Graduate, Melbourne - 02 Mar 2018
The team I have been placed in has defined made me feel welcome and I am comfortable to work with them. The HR team has been fantastic in welcoming me into the company and I know I always have constant support.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
The company's culture, within the office, is that of a supportive and concerned nature. Each person is interested in watching those around them succeed, through supporting and encouraging them. Cooperation and teamwork are a huge factor for the project, as much of the work we do hinges on this. Within the structure and hierarchy, it is very easy to feel comfortable talking to your manager/ buddy/ supervisor. There is a feeling of collaboration and support. The Social committee does a wonderful job at creating meaningful and diverse opportunities for social events.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Very mixed diversity in culture. Cooperation and teamwork very mixed, some like to help and others on site make life very difficult to achieve the end goal.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
great culture, everyone is friendly and happy to share knowledge and assist in learning and development and provide guidance to any issues/questions
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Inclusive, innovative and supportive in the office. Fun culture after hours
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Split into various teams, with people offsite. A matrix structure.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
The team is a really open team and are always happy to answer any questions I have. I have an immediate buddy who is a senior project engineer and my supervisor is a project development manager. Both are very willing to take me under their wing and assist with my learning and development. As the office area is very open socialising in the workplace is very easy and never feels out of place.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Supportive and diverse
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Strong sense of community and teamwork, everyone is very approachable, friendly and helpful, higher ups are always willing to take time to lend a helping hand or have a word, emphasis placed on bonding after hours and getting to know your team
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Mar 2018
Office: Everyone is positive and supportive. People keep themselves busy and are devoted to their work. Everyone is approachable and happy to lend a hand where possible. After hours: There is an active social club and general after work meetings between colleagues. People form a level of interpersonal relationships with colleagues beyond the basic professional relationship. This supports a bubbly and enthusiastic atmosphere in the workplace.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Feb 2018
The culture is by far the best of any organisation I have worked at. It is highly inclusive and everyone is encouraged to add their personality to the organisation. My team is highly cohesive and socially in unison.
Graduate, Melbourne - 21 Feb 2018
Everyone is supportive and friendly to each other. The teams are close to each other and the group meetings each week help facilitate this relationship during work hours. Outside the office, the graduate group is close, because of how the graduate program is operated at the start.
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Feb 2018
People within the company are really friendly and always willing to help out graduates. The culture inside the office is phenomenal which makes coming back to work every morning very pleasant.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Feb 2018
Helpful, motivated, everyone is willing to share
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Feb 2018
Great welcoming and friendly atmosphere with great work life balance.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
In office, everyone is very supportive and open with communication. Outside, there is a positive social culture and inclusive nature. The organisation has a strong focus on teamwork and working together to reach work and personal goals.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
Office hours: Friendly, professional. After hours: Informal, friendly, laid back.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
The culture at LXRA is incredibly supportive and friendly. It is an inclusive culture where I have felt to have fit in from my very first week of working here. After work hour activities are often arranged for socialising and team bonding.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018
People are supportive and willing to always help out. There's several socializing initiatives for after hours activities both organized by the company and employees.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Feb 2018