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Application Process & Interviews at Santos

6.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 23 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Written application, aptitude test, interview and presentation.
Graduate, Brisbane - 27 Oct 2023
Interview process and assessments are similar to other companies, but it takes a while for staff to be accepted and approvals for new hires often have to go through too many levels of management for what should be a more streamlined process.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
The interview process was quite long but not too intense. It was enough to get to know us as individuals and our work ethic as well as previous experience.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 13 Oct 2023
I completed an application form online and was sent a few online aptitude tests to complete before the video interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 11 Oct 2023
I did not enter the company via a standard interview as I received a scholarship with guaranteed me entry into the Summer Vacation Program.
Graduate, Perth - 05 Oct 2023
vacation program involved interview, online tests and presentation once in the program simple tick of a box and submissions of resume for the grad program
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Oct 2023
Santos have competitive excellent recruitment process in place already, the only problem is the duration of the recruitment process, I reckon it's too lengthy.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 05 Oct 2023
The interviews were fine, but the process was a bit ingenuine. Other students entering the graduate program had been interviewed and undertook a few additional tests, while I was accepted into the graduate program having only completed the interview. I was asked by HR afterwards to complete the additional tests anyways, after working at Santos, which I was told would not impact anything but allowed them to keep it in their record. Overall it was a bit of a weird process.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
All graduate employees were hired directly from the vacation program. Vacation program interviews involved preparing a 10 minute presentation on an engineering project we had completed.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
As stated before, I think Santos has lost sight of what is really important - hiring the right person for the right job (and paying them properly). Rather the focus appears to be on hitting diversity targets.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Was hired off the graduate program due to completing vacation program a year prior.
Graduate, Perth - 04 Oct 2023
Interview for internship role included general questions and a short presentation on an engineering project completed at uni.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
This process is currently being revised as it was very slow in the past.
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Cognitive and emotional intelligence testing before an interview with a technical assessor and HR representative
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Minimal interaction with HR in the lead-up to starting my role.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
The interview and assessments were very similar to other industry companies (Schulmberger, Origin, etc.). 1 online testing assessment followed by 1 cultural fit style interview and 1 technical style interview.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
I would say it's pretty poor. They definitely hire great people that I work with but they need to think about who they reject. They need to provide more information and understanding of how they hire for the grad program. It feels very random.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Interview process was straightforward as far as I can remember, including a written application, video-call interview, psychological/IQ testing etc.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
Interview process was normal. I was asked to present a technical project I worked on before a vacation program offer.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Standard questions: -Why oil and gas in a world of constant flux towards less fossil fuels? -Why Santos? -Where do you see yourself in x/y years? -What has been your hardest challenge to date and how have you rose to the challenge?
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
Questions regarding leadership roles and accountability as well as behavior and integrity. Apart from the technical questions of the position applied for.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 13 Oct 2023
Why want to work in industry, biggest achievement to date
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Oct 2023
In my interviews, 80% of the questions was behavioural and 20% technical stuff related to my field of studies - Petroleum Engineering.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 05 Oct 2023
Pretty standard questions. What's a problem you've overcome? When have you had to have a difficult conversation with someone? How do you deal with disagreements?
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
Technical questions from the presentation I made and HR-type questions as well
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
I was asked to present a 10-minute presentation on a project I had previously completed, where minor technical questions were asked about the topic afterwards. There were a few general questions about my previous experience, why I was interested in the role, what I bring to the company, and what my favourite course was at university.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
Asked to give examples of times I displayed x quality times where things didn't go to plan and what did I do What is my favourite piece of work I have done Why did I choose this area of work/study Why Santos in particular Am I willing to relocate Some technical questions about the fundamentals of reservoir engineering
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
How would I handle low-cost model working? That's all I remember as it's the most suiting question to my company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Can't remember in much detail, but along the lines of work experience, professional interests, hobbies, etc.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
Standard HR questions, and technical questions related to what I presented.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Understand the assets and projects before applying - ultimately, you will be working in a position that services an operating asset or one under development at some stage of the 'production line', so understanding what is produced (oil, gas, condensate) and how it is processed and sold (gas conditioning plant to domestic gas, LNG plant, FPSO with oil and/or condensate offtakes) is vital.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
Be themselves, be confident and honest. Speak up on what they can do and do research on the company first. why do they want to apply and how will they contribute towards the success of the company.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 13 Oct 2023
Oil and gas is a whole different ball game to mining, candidates should ensure they are well versed on basic best industry practices and social issues regarding the oil and gas industry.
Graduate, Perth - 05 Oct 2023
Make it Simple and prepare in advance! You do not need to include any complicated documentation in your application. Just go straight to the point and clearly state how you could best contribute to the company's mission and vision statement.
Graduate, Iagifu Ridge, Southern Highlands Province - 05 Oct 2023
Make sure you enter the stream which you want as not easy to move from subsurface to process
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Oct 2023
Prepare by researching about the company and create an engaging/interesting presentation that demonstrates your abilities.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
Learn about what the company does so you can ask specific questions about it.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
Standard interview preparation, and prepare examples of how you have used different company values in your past work. Practice the 10-minute presentation before presenting, as I felt there was a strong emphasis on how the presentation went.
Graduate, Adelaide - 04 Oct 2023
using the STAR method of answering questions
Graduate, Brisbane - 04 Oct 2023
Think of examples of yourself in your work and personal life that paint you in a positive light and display desirable qualities. Brush up on basics of your technical area. Be friendly and honest
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
I would say imagine having an insane workload and understand that you will never be on top of everything. If you're ok with that then you'll be fine working here.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Oct 2023
Be yourself! Answer questions honestly, don't just say what you think the interviewer wants to hear. I believe that an honest and easy-going personality goes a long way.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023
Research the company, understand the assets and operating hubs. Ask questions and show enthusiasm. Find life experiences / projects you've worked on and use them in conversations, rather than units you've studied at uni. The more interviews you do, the better rounded you become so when that dream role opens up, you're well prepared.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Oct 2023