Updating Results

Tibra Capital

See Agenda
  • 100 - 500 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Tibra Capital

7.0 rating for Recruitment, based on 5 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Online testing followed by technical interviews
Graduate, Austinmer
The process is long and difficult but required to ensure we hire the best candidates.
Midlevel, Austinmer
Very time consuming, many interviews, only engage with people in the current role after a fair way in.
Graduate, Wollongong
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
48hr coding exam, behavioural phone interview, group task on time series analysis, quant interview with maths/problem solving questions, dev interview on data structures and algorithms, final cultural interview
Midlevel, Austinmer
Estimating things that had no clear answer fermi questions, data structures, quick math, logic puzzles, time series statistics
Graduate, Wollongong
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Ensure you understand data structures and algorithms well, learn about basic statistics and time series analysis, and practice maths/problem solving questions. Plenty of examples of different types of trading interview questions online.
Midlevel, Austinmer
Be aware of what fermi estimation is. Knowledge of statistics in the context of time series
Graduate, Wollongong