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David Lo

david lo solo picture

7.00 AM

The toughest part of the morning is simply getting out of bed. When the alarm goes off, I start my morning routine and prepare for a day of work.

8.00 AM

I’m currently playing a role in the construction of a cultural centre in Hong Kong. Once I arrive at the site office, I put on my uniform and personal protective equipment to attend the morning briefing. I discuss the construction workflow and procedures with frontline workers and remind them the safety issues they need to pay attention to. The regular morning briefing is as a great platform to energise the team and ensure everyone is clear on the collective goals for the day. 

construction site picture

Then, I make a quick patrol on site to check the site’s condition and progress. If something unplanned occurred, I will inform my supervisor and discuss how to tackle it to ensure works progress well and on the right track.


I head back to the site office to go through my emails and do some paper works, such as preparing construction method statement, material submission, purchase requisition, site query, inspection form and more. Preparing these documents are important as it helps to facilitate the communication between different project members including client, consultants, resident site staff and sub-contractors.

David in fron of the computer


Construction condition evolves every day so a change in design is sometimes inevitable. When there is a design change, I submit a request to the in-house design team and a report to the project’s consultant for approval. Working as an Engineer in contractor not only allows me to gain technical and engineering skills, but also obtain knowledge in the design discipline.

David looking at a table with blueprints

12.00 PM

Lunch time! After half day of work, it is time to take a break with my teammates.

1.00 PM

After lunch, I go through my emails once again to see if there is anything new. If so, I will discuss with the team to reconfirm our priorities for the remaining day.

2.00 PM

I put on my personal protective equipment and bring the construction drawings and steel tape rule for the inspection conducted by the Resident Site Staff. I guide the staff to the inspection area and show them our completed works to compare with the specifications as per construction drawings. Photos were taken as records. If there is any discrepancy, I will request the sub-contractors to rectify it to ensure compliance.

Steel rods


All the inspected items are rated satisfactory today. I have a quick catch up with the foremen and confirm that we can proceed to the next stage of works. I get back to the office and enjoy some fruits and drinks during my short break. I had another catch up with my teammate before I prepare my to-do list for the next day.

david sitting in front of a computer


I give an update to my supervisor on what I have achieved today and what is planned for tomorrow. All good, he says. Time to get off work!

6.30 PM

I am able to get off from work on time, so I decide to go for a jog before heading home. It is a great way to clear my thoughts and stay healthy.


After working in the construction site for the whole day, first thing I got home is to have a shower. Then, I take a short nap before having dinner with my family.


I read some books on Engineering and slowly start to fall asleep. It’s time for bed and to get ready for another exciting day tomorrow.